This Hit Home For Me

This song and video really hit home for me today. I was laid off from my job in a public school a year ago. I worked there for 8 years. It was a tough hit when it happened.
It wasn't due to my performance or personality; It was due to my seniority in the union and budget cuts. Northern Michigan isn't a place where you can just go out and find a good job waiting for you and in our current economy it has been tough. I took a part time position in my local Intermediate School District, but that is less than 15 hours a week. I like the position I am in and it keeps my skills current, but who can live on 14 hours a week. Any ways a friend of mine sent me an email that contained this song and although I had heard it before it didn't hit home for me until I saw the video. Along with the video is a website that gives more details on the people featured in the video. Seeing the video made it better for me today and that meant a lot.

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